2004  Conference Attendees      


Mark    Adams               Sandia

Rakim  Aitbayev         New Mexico Tech

David   Alber               University of Illinois

Merico Argentati          U of Colorado

Eyal      Arian                Boeing

Travis   Austin              Los Alamos National Lab

Brett     Bader              Sandia Nat Lab

Abdelkader Baggag      McGill University

James   Baglama           University of Rhode Island

Allison  Baker              LLNL

Erik      Bangtsson         Uppsala

Joern    Behrens            UCAR

Konstantinos    Bekas   University of Minnesota

Michele Benzi               Emory University

Marku  Berndt              Los Alamos National Lab

George Biros                University of Pennsylvania

Matthias Bollhoefer       Institute for Mathematics

Tim Boonen                  Kuleuven

Leonardo Borges          Hewlett-Packard Company

Henrik  Branden           Uppsala University

James   Brannick           U of Colorado

Marian Brezina             FRSC Inc.

Rafael   Bru                   University Politecnica Valencia

Zhiqiang Cai                 Purdue

Xiao-Chuan Cai           U of Colorado

Andrew Canning           Lawrence Berkley Lab

Bruno   Carpentieri       CERFACS

David   Carrington        Los Alamos National Lab

Tim      Chartier            Davidson University

Long    Chen               Penn State

Zhen     Cheng              University of Illinois

Edmond Chow              LLNL

David Echeverria Ciaurri CWI

Todd    Coffey              Sandia

Hans    De Sterck         U of Colorado

Eric      de Sturler         University of Illinois

Joel Dendy                   Los Alamos National Lab

John     Dennis              UCAR

Boris    Diskin              National Institute of Aerospace

Sue      Dollar              Oxford University

Andrei  Draganescu      U of Chicago

Vladimir Druskin           Schlumberger Doll Research

Iain  Duff                      RAL and CERFACS

Howard Elman             U of Maryland

Martin  Emeric              CERFACS

Yogi     Erlangga           Delft University

Donald Estep              Colorado State U.

Rob Falgout                LLNL

Dan Finkel                   North Carolina State U.

Paul Fischer                  Argonne Nat Lab

Aime    Fournier           NCAR

Katie Fowler                Clarkson University

Roland Freund             Bell Laboratories

Efstratios Gallopoulos   University of Patras

Martin  Gander             McGill University

Eldad   Haber               Emory University

Stuart   Hawkins           University of Liverpool

Van      Henson             LLNL

Mike    Heroux             Sandia

Jeffrey  Heys                 U of Colorado

Ruth     Holland            Oxford University

Yuan    Hong                 University of Kentucky

Victoria Howle              Sandia

Jonathan Hu                 Sandia

Marko  Huhtanen          Helsinki University

Feng-Nan Hwang         U of Colorado

Mohamed  Iskandrani  

Vladimir Ivanov            Fluent Inc.

Christiane Jablonowski NCAR

Elizabeth Jessup            U of Colorado

Jim  Jones                     LLNL

Kirk Jordan                 IBM

Abram  Jujunashvili       U of Colorado

Ning Kang                   University of Kentucky

Eric Keiter                   Sandia

Carl T. Kelley             North Carolina State U

Misha   Kilmer            Tufts University

Dana    Knoll               Los Alamos

Andrew Knyazev          U of Colorado

Tamara Kolda              Sandia

Yair      Koren             Technion

Nicholas Kridler           U of Colorado

Domenico Lahaye         CWI

Julien    Langou University of Tennessee

Matthew  Lasater         North Carolina State U

Oliver   Le Maitre         University of Evry

Eunjung  Lee                U of Colorado

Jeonghwa Lee              University of Kentucky

Barry    Lee                   LLNL

Richard Lehoucq          Sandia National Lab

Alfonso Limon              Claremont Graduate University

Konstantin Lipnikov      Los Alamos National Lab

Jia Liu                           Emory University

Richard Loft                   NCAR

Raphael Loubere            Los Alamos National Lab

Jingtang Ma                    U of Newfoundland

Scott    MacLachlan       U of Colorado

Hermant Mahawar          Texas A&M

Tom     Manteuffel           U of Colorado

Kent-Andre Mardal     Simula

Jose     Marin                  University Politecnica Valencia

Emeric  Martin                CERFACS

Anna    Matsekh             Los Alamos Nat Lab

Dimitri  Mavriplis          University of Wyoming

Catherine Mavriplis         George Washington University

Steve McCormick          U of Colorado

David   Moulton             LANL

Vincent Mousseau        Los Alamos National Lab

Olavi    Nevanlinna       Helsinki University

Gregory Newman         Lawrence Berkeley Nat Lab

Christopher Newman    Sandia Nat Lab

Trygve  Nilssen              Simula

Akira    Nishida             University of Tokyo

Josh     Nolting              U of Colorado

Suely    Oliverira           University of Iowa

Luke Olson                 Brown University

Evgueni Ovtchinnikov   U of Colorado

Victor   Pan                  Lehman College

Roger   Pawlowski        Sandia

Michael Pernice            Los Alamos National Lab

Christer Peterson          Uppsala University

Eric Phipps                  Sandia

Kendall Pierson            Sandia

Annik   Pouquet           

Catherine Powell          UMIST

Ernesto Prudencio        U of Colorado

Andrew Pullan             University of Auckland

Alison   Ramage            U of Strathclyde

Jill Reese                     North Carolina State U.

Jon Reisner                  LANL

Rosemary Renaut         Arizona State University

Daniel   Reynolds          LLNL

David   Robbins            U of Colorado

Oliver   Roehrle            U of Colorado

J.          Rommes           Utrecht University

David   Ropp                 Sandia

Duane  Rosenberg        NCAR

Yousef Saad                 University of Minnesota

Marzio  Sala           Sandia

Vivek   Sarin         Texas A&M

Paul Saylor            University of Illinois

JensSchmidt         C & C Research Labs

Bert Seynaeve        Kuleuven

John Shadid             Sandia

Mikhail Shashkov         Los Alamos

Brendan Sheehan          U of Colorado

Aleksei Shestakov        Lawrence Livermore National La

Robert  Shuttleworth     U of Maryland

David   Silvester           UMIST

Joseph Simonis            W P I

Dennis  Smolarski         Santa Clara University

Masha  Sosonkina        Iowa State University

Andreas Stathopoulos   William and Mary

Amik    St-Cyr              NCAR

Per Sundqvist               Uppsala University

Doug    Swesty             U. of NY at Stonybrook

Daniel   Szyld               Temple University

Wei-Pai Tang              Boeing

Qing Tang                   Reaction Engineering International

Heidi    Thornquist        Sandia Nat. Lab

Charles Tong                LLNL

Henry   Tufo                University of Colorado

Ray Tuminaro              Sandia

T.L.      van Noorden    Utrecht

Stefan   Vandewalle      Katholieke University

Panayot  Vassilevski     LLNL

Marinos Vouvakis        Ohio State U.

Kees    Vuik               Delft University

Homer  Walker             WPI

Shun Wang                 University of Illinois

Xue Wang                   Texas A&M

Rebecca Wasyk           WPI

Chad    Westphal          U of Colorado

Mary    Wheeler           University of Texas

John     Wilson            USGS

Carol    Woodward       LLNL

Chin-Tien Wu               University of Maryland

Fred     Wubs              U. of Groningen

.Jun      Zhang               University of Kentucky